Two sides of the 2020 shut down

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Corona can give us a lot more then just a few weeks behind in our economic agendas.

The by catch of this crisis can be the main catch.
Before you ask yourself how you can overcome Corona and stay in control businneswise. Corona faces us with a giant opportunity to re-value our lives, what  are we doing with it, with who and what are we doing? The country largely shuts down and business is closing. Some of us work very hard in healthcare. But you may have time with your children because children don’t go to school. You can breath clean air, because traffic is down. You can prepare a great meal with your direct loved ones cause restaurants are closed and you have time because you can’t go to work. You have the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts for a while. You now maybe have time but no money. But if time is money then you have never been this rich! 

This is maybe the biggest social experiment in the recent history of mankind. Shutting down traffic, trade and schools. Makes our global world a local world again. Which in fact it always is, this local world was never gone but how aware are we of it in the speed of modern society? How is your neighbor doing, your wife, your children and friends, your garden. To survive we have to make friends with our deepest self beyond our physical power, our spirit. And from there we’re able to invite and awaken others. The irony is that all this is “under our noses” all the time, all our lives, the whole time. But we never stop to realize this. And now we come to stop, because nature outperforms us! Of course because we are nature.

A while ago I met a special man he then was 93 and lecturing at Nijenrode University in the Netherlands. I found him an inspiring man he past to the other side last december but his spirit lives on. I would like to share a movie where he speaks about human nature. Enjoy my friends! Hang on and see you soon!

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